Mary Davis Detention Home

The mission of the Mary Davis Detention Home is to maintain a safe and secure environment and to create a positive impact on all residents through programming that will promote change and self worth.

Visiting Rules

It should be understood, any violation of these rules will result in a cancellation of that problematic visit. The Superintendent will complete a review of the problem, and this may lead to a restriction and/or visits for the client to be scheduled for another day.

  • Visiting is one hour. If you come late, you will only have the remainder of that time.
  • Be prepared to furnish picture identification upon request.
  • Only immediate family will be allowed to visit. Immediate family is mother, father, step-parents, grandparents, legal guardians, and siblings who are 18 years of age.
  • If clients have children, their babies can visit with the clients' guardians. The mother or father of the babies cannot.
  • To be recognized as a parent, you must be legally married. If necessary, you may ·be required to show proof of marriage before being allowed to visit.
  • All visitors must sign the visitor log listing all required information.
  • Parents are not allowed to bring food, beverages, or candy.
  • All visitors must pass through the metal detector and can be subject to a frisk in privacy as a condition of visitation at the discretion of the staff on duty. All purses, briefcases, cell phones, electronic devices, etc. are to be left in your car.
  • Prior to entering the visiting area, all coats and hats must be removed. A light jacket or sweatshirt will be allowed after it has gone through the metal detector.
  • Visitors remain in the designated area and should leave when the visit is finished.
  • Visitors will use a separate set of bathrooms than our clients.
  • Physical contact during visiting is allowed.
  • We accept only posters and photos. All items must be left with the staff member at the door. Any questionable content of these items will be grounds for them being returned to you. The Mary Davis Home will not accept responsibility for any items brought to a client. We will not accept books, magazines, newspapers, puzzles, or decks of cards.
  • When visiting, you should not allow other, unsupervised children to remain in your vehicle. If this is discovered, you will be asked to leave the premises.
  • Our clients earn points based on their behavior. and these points determine their Tier (additional programmatic information is available). Tier #1 and Tier #2 (in good standing) will be able to purchase a Zoom Visit If they chose to purchase this. the Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent will contact you so a date/time can be scheduled

Visiting Hours

A-LSundays/Holidays1:30-2:30 pmThursdays6-7 pm
M-ZSundays/Holidays7:15-8:15 pmThursdays3:30-4:30 pm


Ninth Judicial Circuit Mary Davis Detention Home
1319 East Fifth Street
Galesburg, Illinois 61401-6698
Phone: (309) 343-5112
Fax: (309) 343-5036


Download the Local Wellness Policy for tips on nutrition, physical activity, and other activities the Mary Davis Home participates in to promote wellness.

Download the local wellness policy

Telephone Calls

  • All clients will have 2 calls for the week, and additional calls can be purchased from Mary Mart by using Mary Money clients can earn.
  • All calls are between 3:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
  • Each call will be 15 minutes and are timed on our end. Additional time for calls can be purchased from Mary Mart by using Mary Money clients can earn.
  • Clients can receive only one call per day.
  • The Mary Davis Home will not accept collect calls.
  • You can call your child, or your child can call you direct. Again, additional calls can be purchased from Mary Mart by using Mary Money clients can earn. We will no longer be accepting calling cards.


Residents may receive mail at any time, unless otherwise specified by a court order.

Contact us 

Any exceptions to the above policies must be made by the Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent. They can't be contacted from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays. Any questions of concerns you may have regarding your children's stay at our facility, please feel free to contact the Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent.

Wendi Steck, Superintendent

(309) 343-5112 Ext. 2

Aaron VanMiddlesworth, Assistant Superintendent

(309) 343-5112 Ext. 3

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